What components do you use in your solar system installations?

We use only proven, reliable Clean Energy Council Approved Panels, Inverters and Isolators.

All our products and installation processes are designed to last a minimum of 25 years and we select our products with system longevity in mind.

Brands we are strongly affiliated with are:

  • SMA and Fronius Inverters for Residential and Commercial Grid-Tie Systems
  • Solaredge for our Residential and Commercial battery Systems
  • LG Neon 2 and Canadian Solar for our solar panels with 25-year warranties
  • LG Chem HV and LV Lithium batteries
What orientation is best for my solar panels?

This depends on when you use your power and how you use your power.
If you are a use your energy gradually throughout the day and have a an even energy consumption we recommend a north facing system that will supply your home with power during the day when you are at home using it.

If you are not home during the day and you use your power mostly in the evening when you get home we would recommend covering the north / east and your western roof as you will feed in a lot of power into your import export meter during the day and you will have the western sun especially in summer when you come home and turn on you air con this will really help reduce your bill.

What is a Small Scale Technology Certificate?

STCs are government incentives that help to reduce the upfront cost of installing your energy solution and apply to systems that are below 100kW in size. In other words, all residential size systems and some commercial size systems. The number and value of STC your solution receives differ depending on its size and location in Australia. To be eligible for STCs, your solar solution needs to be installed by a Clean Energy Council accredited installers.

For more detailed information on STCs please visit Clean Energy Regulator Website.

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